Травмобезопасный бампер cybertag

CYBERTAG safety rubber protector

Травмобезопасный бампер cybertag

Games in rental laser tag are characterized by high dynamics. The game maze is a place where you have to think fast, move super-fast and shoot like a pro. At the same time, no one is insured against collisions and injuries. It is important for the manufacturer to pay special attention to safety issues so that your favorite entertainment does not turn into a hospital visit.

Therefore, for all owners of early versions of CYBERTAG equipment we have good news. We will give special rubber protectors for our game blasters for free. The rubber protector will minimize possible collision injuries and additionally protect the face part of the body. In addition, it fits seamlessly into the overall design of the blaster, complementing the already technological style of CYBERTAG game weapons.

Order the rubber protectors by mailing at service@laserwar.com

The rubber protectors will be given to the buyer free of charge except for shipping costs. Shipments start tomorrow. Write to us or call: 8-4812-377-000.

CYBERTAG – rental system number 1 in Russia.

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